

Relaxing you and guiding your imagination.

To help you make deep, lasting changes.

Changing thought patterns

Hypnosis has come in and out of fashion for over 100 years. From the early days of 'Mesmerism', watches and spirals in black and white films, through stories of FBI mind control, to stage hypnosis and stop smoking cassette tapes, hypnosis has had a long history that has clouded a simple fact:

It works.

Hypnosis requires two things: a relaxed state of mind, and imagination. 

Through deep relaxation techniques and guided imagery (or verbal metaphor if you're one of the people who can't imagine images), hypnosis can make deep changes.

It works on everything that the mind controls: from who you are, your state of mind, your thoughts, your behaviours and even physical things like the amount of pain that you experience. 

How hypnosis works

Relaxation and imagination.
We have different brain systems that guide our actions. 

While we like to believe that everything we do is under our conscious control. But that is only half the story. 

Our subconscious mind controls many behaviours, thought-processes and even bodily functions. For the vast majority of the time, our subconscious mind means that we don't have to spend our energy thinking about things like how to digest food or how to interpret people's facial expressions. The subconscious gets on with keeping us alive and safe and does a great job. 

But when it goes wrong, we sometimes end up with unhelpful results. Addictions, phobias, excessive negative self-talk, anxiety, sexual dysfunctions, headaches, digestive issues and so on can all result from unhelpful subconscious reactions to the environment we find ourselves in. 

Hypnosis works by calming the subconscious mind so you feel safe and then helping it to reprogram itself. It uses relaxation, focused attention, imagery and metaphor to change the way your mind works.
I don't use scripts when I'm working with someone with hypnotherapy. I spend a long time talking (out of 'trance') to really understand your challenges and needs. By fully understanding you, I can help you make the changes you need to your own subconscious brain. 

You're in charge the whole way through. It's perfectly safe, but it's remarkably effective.

To find out more, contact me and we can set up a 30 minute call to chat about hypnotherapy and discuss how it can help you make the changes you need.


Hypnotherapy challenges

These are all challenges that clients have brought to me to work on in hypnotherapy.
  • Stopping bad habits
  • Improving gym going
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Improving sexual issues*
  • Growing confidence
  • Quietening negative self talk or thoughts
  • Improving singing
  • Decreasing anxiety*
  • Eating better
  • Relaxing more
  • Letting go of negative messages from childhood
  • Forgiveness
  • Pain reduction*

*Note - anything that involves medical issues, whether mental or physical, should be checked by a medical doctor before we work on them through hypnotherapy. You must NEVER stop any medication prescribed to you without discussing with your doctor. And certain symptoms (for example headaches and erectile dysfunction) could be rooted in medical issues that should be checked before we try to remove them.

Want to learn more?

Contact me and we can set up a complimentary chat and we can discuss how hypnotherapy can help you.

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