

Coaching is a conversation. 

I ask questions, make observations, help you change.

I don't have the answers. You do.

What is it you want?
How would you know you've got it?
Why is it important to you?

This is the part that no one reads, because it's so difficult to define coaching, and everyone does it in totally abstract ways. 

Have you ever noticed that you have your best ideas at random times? When you're out for a walk, or in the shower? 

Have you ever felt that you've got so much on your plate that you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to go next?

Have you ever noticed that you don't do the important things in life because you're always so busy?

Do you want to have a different life, career or relationship, but you can't work out how to get there?

Do you ever wish you had someone totally on your side to help you without giving you unsolicited advice or getting too stuck in the weeds? Someone who isn't involved, so they're impartial.

Then you need coaching.

How coaching works

Changing your world, one conversation at a time.
Think about one thing that you want to change (or achieve) in your life, then take time to answer each of the following questions.

- Why is it important that you change or achieve that?

- How would you know you'd succeed in the change?

- What's getting in your way of changing?

- What one step could you take towards making that change this week?

That's coaching.

I ask questions, you work things out. 

Now and then, I offer a perspective shift, an observation or a model that I think may be helpful to move you forward. 

I'm your critical friend, your confidante, your accountability partner when you need me to be. 
If you've got a change you want to make, and think coaching could be for you, get in touch.

We can set up a confidential 'Experience Coaching' session. We'll work together on a change that you want in your life. You'll find out what my style of coaching is, and we can discuss what working together would look like.

Coaching challenges

These are all challenges that clients have brought to me to work on in coaching.
  • Changing careers
  • Finding a new relationship
  • Making more money
  • Moving house
  • Improving existing relationships
  • Becoming a leader or manager
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Dealing with uncertainty
  • Leaving a toxic relationship
  • Navigating boundaries in work and at home
  • Improving focus while studying
  • Building a business
  • Developing courses
  • Improving marketing
  • Developing a work persona

Want to learn more?

Contact me and we can set up a complimentary chat or Experience Coaching session so you can truly understand the power of coaching.

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